What is this company anyway? How do you even pronounce it? And what’s up with that logo? Is that a guy drooling? An elephant doing a handstand? Do elephants have hands? What is that thing?!?!

Let us explain. It’s a fish. A vertical one. Yes, we know. Fish swim horizontally. But it’s art, right?

What about that floating egg shape?
That’s a person’s head. Jonah’s actually, I mean, it’s not actually Jonah’s. We didn’t have a recent pic. But, it does represent Jonah.

And that thick wavy line? Where does that fit in?
Those are Jonah’s arms. If elephants don’t have hands, why should Jonah? No, seriously, it represents his arms raised in praise. More on why he’s praising later.

Ok… It’s Jonah being spit back out of the fish. Why would I want that on my clothes? I mean yuck!

Well, that fish was actually Jonah’s salvation. I mean, do you know what would have happened to him if the fish hadn’t come along? What if God had sent a shark? Goodbye, Jonah.

But God didn’t. He sent a fish that swallowed Jonah and then spit him out on dry land. That fish was Jonah’s salvation. His “garment” of salvation. That garment protected Jonah from the otherwise imminent death that awaited him in the sea.

So, what does Jonah’s garment of salvation have to do with our garments? Click “Wade In" to find out.

Oh, and before you go, here’s a little tutorial on that name of ours.

How to pronounce “Ikhthus:” Stick your head inside your brother’s old gym shoes. That three letter word that you say when you take a sniff in there? That’s the first syllable. The second syllable is just like it looks—thus—except with a soft “th” sound. Unless you’re more academic. Then, it’s more of long “oo” sound. Like in foosball, for example. Ever heard of “thus-ball.” Us either. But if we had, it would rhyme with foosball.

And if you’re wondering about that extra “H,” so are we. But it’s Greek, so we’re going with it. Besides, “H” doesn’t really get enough consonant recognition, and we’re all about the underdog.

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